Custom Training
Our Ad-Hoc Innovation Boot Camp is a hands-on training program designed to provide students with advanced knowledge and skills in RF, Software Defined Radios, Raspberry Pi, Python, Wireless Technologies, creative problem-solving, and more. During the 5-day program, students will gain practical experience and knowledge through a series of workshops, group projects, and individual assignments.
5 Day Course
Price Variable
Software Defined Radios
Raspberry Pi
Off-Grid Systems
Wireless Technologies
Autonomous Systems
RF Communicaton
Custom UAS Builds
CNC/AM Training
Emerging Technologies
There are no Prerequisites
These classes are held in Building Momentum's state-of-the-art classrooms at The Garden, or on-site at your location, anywhere in the world.
Want to book over the phone? Please call (571) 275-5845.
Want to purchase your seat through GSA Advantage? Book through GSA here!
Email training@buildmo.com for more information.
Schedule varies based on your learning objectives
Innovation Boot Camps are for DOD professionals and anyone looking to grow and improve their creative problem-solving skills with 21st-century technologies.
Building Momentum will provide a laptop for the course. However, you are welcome to bring your own system.